Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Following our 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service
Soup and salad will be provided.

All are welcome to attend ...   members and non-members.

We will discuss initiatives for the new year, ratify the 2025 budget and review 2024. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. We will ratify the 2025 budget and elect new board members.

Each year at our meeting we invite members to offer their ideas and support for our church. If there is something you would like to suggest for the good of the entire church, this meeting is a great time to share future possibilities. We are grateful for your involvement in our community.

This year we will also be considering the selection of a “Minister of Record” and recognizing the faithful service and commitment of Bill Karl who will be resigning from our Board of Trustees.


This letter provides more details:

January 16, 2025

Dear Friend of Unity of Blue Water,

The past year has been spiritually transforming for Unity of Blue Water. Spirit has been moving in and through us all. We have been able to get moved into our new home and are hard at work making it pleasant and comfortable for all. Although we have come a long way, there is still much work to be done. We know that with your help and the guidance of Spirit, our goal of having a comfortable Church home that will accommodate the activities and special events we plan to host in the coming years.

This letter is to notify you of our annual congregational meeting to be held on Sunday, February 2, 2025,
at 11:30 a.m. at Unity of Blue Water. This meeting will bring us all up to date on the changes and adjustments that we have experienced in the past year. We will also explore and establish our goals as congregation and how to achieve them together.

At this meeting, we will discuss our past year in terms of programs and finances and setting goals for our immediate future. We are grateful for your past involvement and commitment and hope you will join us for this important day. Thank you for being part of our church family. Please remember us in your prayers.

There are some other very important topics that will be up for discussion. One of them being the election of board members. Bill Karl, who has served as a devoted board member, has been led by spirit, to resign from his position. His years of faithful service and commitment have blessed us all in ways we could never count. Although he will no longer serve on the board, he still remains a member of our Spiritual community. His seat on the board will be vacant, but none of us can fill his shoes.

Another very important decision we will make at this meeting will be the selection of a “Minister of Record”. What is that? some of you may ask. Well at this meeting it will be explained in detail. We, the board have been in discussions with Rev. Brian and are ready to share the outcome with all of you. We have been without a minister for some time and Rev. Brian has presented us with a unique opportunity that will assist us in developing as a thriving spiritual community.

All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you. The future of Unity of Blue Water is now. It is in our hands. This meeting is designed to last for 90 minutes. We ask that you assist us in keeping to that schedule. I know it will be a long day for us all so me the board are planning a delightful lunch for us all to enjoy.

Love and Light,
Unity of Blue Water