We're moving into our new home! See Sunday Service dates and time changes.

July 14 - 10 a.m.  Last Sunday Service at The Dry Dock,
412 Huron Ave., Port Huron.
This will be our last service at The Dry Dock.
Please stay after service if you can to help clean up.

July 21 - 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service at Our New Location,
2912 25th Street, Port Huron
This will be our first service at our new spiritual home.

July 28 - 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service at Our New Location,
2912 25th Street, Port Huron


July 28 - 11:30 a.m. We are hosting a wedding in our new home:
Unity of Blue Water founding member Lois Jane Siraco is marrying Bryon Mousseau
at 11:30 a.m. following our service.  All are welcome to attend.